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 Politics Archive 2017

Vladimir Putin has his nerve-He congratulated Emmanuel Macron on his win as France's new president
by Nathan'ette Burdine: May 10, 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to take time out of his day on Monday to congratulate newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron on beating his (Putin) preferred choice Marin Le Pen.

Putin said in a statement, “The people of France have elected you to the highest office in your country in challenging times for Europe and the international community in general. The growing threat of terrorism and violent extremism goes hand in hand with the escalation of local conflicts and the destabilization of entire regions. Against this backdrop, overcoming mutual distrust and joining efforts to ensure international stability and security is especially important.”

As y’all can see, Putin wants Macron to let bygones be bygones. Putin doesn’t want Macron dwelling on the fact that he tried swinging the election towards his extremists gal pal’s way by dumping a pile of fake news about Macron on the world wide web.

Nooo, Putin wants Macron to focus on their common interest of ridding the world of terrorists and extremists who cause mayhem.

Or, as Putin put it, “The growing threat of terrorism and violent extremism goes hand in hand with the escalation of local conflicts and the destabilization of entire regions.”

Putin has apparently forgotten how his interference into the elections of Western countries has contributed to “the growing threat of terrorism and violent extremism” that could easily lead to the destabilization of Western civilization.

The Russian president’s support of white nationalist Nigel Farage was one of the contributing factors resulting in Britain leaving the European Union, while his support of white nationalists in America was a contributing factor resulting in reality TV star Donald Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States.

According to a CNN Money report, Britain’s exit from the EU will increase the country’s debt by trillions of dollars and government borrowing is expected to be $199 billion.

As for Trump’s Administration, they’re bogged down in congressional investigations involving Trump’s cohorts allegedly helping the Russians to meddle in the U.S.’ election affairs.

Keep in mind that Putin also supported white nationalist Le Pen who hates the Jews, the Muslims, and all of the coloreds in the Crayola box.

Fortunately for the French people, they were able to prevent the hate tide from rising by giving Macron an overwhelming thirty plus percentage point victory over hater Le Pen; who promised to weaken the EU even more by removing France out of the organization.

Putin, of course, says all of this is “fake news” and that he has his own Russian affairs to concern himself with.

But then again, that one statement of “Against this backdrop, overcoming mutual distrust and joining efforts to ensure international stability and security is especially important” makes a person wonder why is there “mutual distrust” in the first place if Putin has been as pure as a newborn child in his dealings with his Western counterparts.

Plus, Putin invading Ukraine, supporting Syrian tyrannical President Basha al-Assad, and his alleged past meddling says that Putin wants to spread Putinism throughout the world.

So yeah, this is not “fake news” as Putin and his buddy Trump call it whenever they have been caught doing wrong.

Because after all, Putin knows that his chances of spreading Putinism throughout the world remain slimmer than a runway model if his kryptonite, the West, does not regress back to the days of tobacco and cotton picking and tea packing.

And the one thing that Macron’s win does for now is ensure that Putinism doesn’t become the kryptonite of the Western Ally nations.

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